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Emergency notice about the change of version of standards...
Public Time:2005-12-09

Emergency notice about the change of version of standards of part of the household and similar electrical applicants

Date: 2005-12-9

Emergency notice about the version change of standards for part of the household and similar electrical applicants


To the relevant enterprises:

Electric irons (GB4706.2), and skin and hair care appliance (GB4706.15), heater (GB4706.19), air conditioners (GB4706.32) refrigerators (GB4706.13) motor-compressor (GB4706.17), the change of certificates for the six products as the standard version change is nearing an end. Most of these products to the production of such enterprises has been completed. But there are certain standards for the certificate without going through version.

In the article “the notification of requirement on the part of the household appliances implementation of the new standard” ([2005]3) of Certification and Accreditation Administration of People's Republic of China, the work of certificate conversion should be completed on December 31, 2005."According to this, China Quality Certification Center (CQC) will cease on the application aimed at criteria edition changing on December 31, 2005.We will written off the related certificate that not change standard version overdue.

The enterprise which has not changed the certificate, please come to our center speedily to do the standard version change work of the application.

China Quality Certification Center

 November 11, 2005



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